Rory and Joana on Ilha

Joana and Rory are volunteers with a non-profit organisation called TechnoServe, based in Mozambique, working on promoting tourism for a bijou undiscovered island called Ilha de Mocambique. Our role is to develop a plan to attract the right kind of tourism and development which will protect the island's exceptional architecture, and create wealth for the local community... and eat lobster and sunbathe !

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

This is Antonio, one of our two night guards. He's very funny because he's a little rough round the edges, and sometimes comes barrelling into the kitchen very thirsty and drinks heavily from the tap, then abruptly and wordlessly leaves. Even I can tell his Portuguese is rough, but he knows I barely understand it, so says it once in a normal voice then immediately a lot louder says it again. But he's very funny and sneaked in when I played a Bruce Lee movie to myself through the only projector in the Nampula province (the size of Scotland?? probably a lot more), and did his guarding from a chair in our downstairs.

Joana finds something of the night about the expressions on Antonio and Inacio in these pictures, something creepily flirty, which I can definitely see. But she says it's the putting of it online that seems somehow, what's the word, pimpy, which I can see too. Inacio's giving it loads in his. I explained that their picture is being seen by my parents, family and friends in the UK, friends in France, Portugal and the US, and everyone in the whole world, and they laughed, I think at my poor Portuguese.


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