Rory and Joana on Ilha

Joana and Rory are volunteers with a non-profit organisation called TechnoServe, based in Mozambique, working on promoting tourism for a bijou undiscovered island called Ilha de Mocambique. Our role is to develop a plan to attract the right kind of tourism and development which will protect the island's exceptional architecture, and create wealth for the local community... and eat lobster and sunbathe !

Sunday, December 24, 2006

This is Luisa. J's INSEAD friend Joana Crespo lives and works in Maputo and has been negotiating to adopt Luisa, a Mozambican orphan. Luisa has lived with Joana for some months now and is delighted with life. Joana heard the happy news that she is officially Luisa's mum while we were there!


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